According to the Articlesof Associationof “Almaty Technological University” JSC, the University is headed by the President and the Rector. TheyareresponsibleforallmattersconcerningtheUniversitylife support. They have the right of decision-making concerning any University activities matters, including financial, economic, and business matters. ThePresidentandRectordefinetheUniversitydevelopmentperspective, including the main funds, material and technical resources and the University applied training base.
The President and the Rector have the right:
-toissuetheUniversityordersconcerningtheappointmentoftheUniversitypersonnel, theirtransferring to another positions and their dismissal as well;
-todefinewagesandsalaryratesforallpersonnelcategories, definethe positions rates of pay and personal bonus;
-tomakedecisionconcerningfinancial and moral incentives of the best personnel;
-toimposeapenaltyontheUniversity personnelconcerningthe rules of internal regulations violation as well
ThePresidentandtheRectorsupervisetheworkoftheUniversity Scientific Board, which is, according to the University ArticlesofAssociation, consultative and deliberative body; they define its personal composition and its activities as well. ThePresidentandtheRectorappointtopositionsanddismisstheUniversitymanagingstructure, namely, thefirstpro-rector, pro-rectorsofthemainactivities, financialandbusinessactivity, theheadsofthemanagement, departments and other executive and coordinate services of the University, directed to the internal management policy realization.
KuralbekSadibaevich Kulazhanov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,is the President of the University; Talgat Kuralbekovich Kulazhanov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, is the Rector of the University.Inaddition, theysupervisetheactivityoftheUniversitymanagementsubdivisions, concerningtheforeignuniversity –partners’cooperation, educationqualitycontrolandpublishing. ThemainaimofthecoordinateandmanagementworkofthePresidentandtheRectoristheregularimprovementofeducational, scientificand research, financial and business activities of the University, provided by means of selection and positioning of professional, competitive and business personalities for management and scientific and teaching staff. The Personnel management department, headed by ZhanarMirasovnaMedeubaeva, carries out the University personnel official registration.
The University International cooperation in the field of education and science is focused on the development of the partners relationship with foreign universities and scientific centers in order to improve the educational process and its quality by means of international experience creative application.All the activity of Almaty Technological University is based on the concept of the establishing of continuous professional education complex, which meets the requirements of the Lisbon Convention and the Bologna Declaration. Inordertoreach the complete correspondence with the requirements of the international documents, mentioned above, the University managerial staff signed MagnaChartaUniversitatum in2010
TheUniversityinternationalcooperationpolicyiscarriedoutbymeansofthe Department of international relations and academic mobility.Thehistoryofthisdepartmentestablishingisthe striking example of the University academic potential development after its reorganization into “Almaty Technological University” Joint Stock Company in 1999. InSeptember 2000, MukhamedzhanKireyevichIssaev, DoctorofPhilology, theheadofforeign language chair, was appointed to a position of the Rector on international cooperation, combining jobs. Three months later a Department of science and international cooperation was established; SerikKopzhasarovichMukhambetzhanov headed it. InMarch 2001,thisverydepartmentwasdividedintotwoindependentstructures:
- Scientificandresearchdepartment;
-Department of external affairs, information and informational infrastructure
RustemBatyrbekovichBeremzhanov, candidate of chemical sciences, headedtheDepartmentofexternalaffairs, informationandinformationalinfrastructureinOctober2002. InNovember 2003,BerikMukhanovichKenzhebayev headed the Department of external affairs, information and informational infrastructure. In November 2006,AsemBakhytzhanovnaSergazina, candidate of chemical sciences, headed the Department of external affairs, information and informational infrastructure.
InJanuary 2008,theDepartment of external affairs, information and informational infrastructure was reorganized into the Department of quality monitoring and international affairs. Mereke Khafizovna Tankibayeva, candidate of philology, associate professor, headed that new department.In 2012,theDepartmentofexternalaffairs, informationandinformationalinfrastructurechangeditsnameintotheDepartment of international relations and academic mobility, establishing a new independent Department of education quality assessment. Lyazzat Tatymkozhayevna Uakassova has headed the Department of international relations and academic mobility since January 2016.
Theinformation, statedabove, showsthatthepresentfourkeymanagementstructuresofAlmatyTechnologicalUniversity, namely, the Department of science and innovation, the Department of informational technologies, the Department of quality and accreditation and the Department of international relations and academic mobility, have the common beginning, dated in 2000. Allthatproves,thattheUniversityhadthedeveloping powerful upsurgeinthefirstandseconddecadesoftheÕÕ1 century.
AtpresentAlmatyTechnologicalUniversityhas the close partner relations with leading high education institutions and scientific centers of the near abroad and abroad and with the following organizations:
*International Association of Universities (IAU);
*European Universities Association (EUA);
*European Universities council (EURAS);
*International programs–Bolashak,Erasmus+ andMevlana;
*Internationalorganizations (British council in Kazakhstan),
Germanserviceofacademicexchange (DAAD), Goethe Institute,
The International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX);
*Foreignstatesembassies, accreditedintheRepublicofKazakhstan
Inorderofstudents’contingentinternationalizationandacademicmobility improvement, thejoint programs “Double Major” were established on ATU base with the following foreign partners:
*Aldo Galli Group Arts academy at the Institute of the European Design - “Design” speciality;
*Russian economic university named after G.V.Plekhanov - “Finance” and “Economics” specialities;
*Hotelandtourismmanagement institute (Switzerland) – “Tourism”, “Catering and hotel business”.
OneofthemostperspectivefieldsofATUinternationalcooperationisthedevelopmentoftheintegrationwithforeignscientificandeducationalcentersinthefieldsoftourism, hotel business and catering. Intheframeoftherealizationof “ConceptofdevelopmentoftouristfieldoftheRepublicofKazakhstantill 2020Δ, on August 16, 2014, an agreement about joint realization of the program of “Double Major” was signed between AG “Hoteland Tourism Management Institute”, Switzerland (HTMI) and “Almaty Technological University” JSC (ÀÒU),
KSIT opening procedure
Kazakh-Swiss Institute of Tourism, Catering and Hotel Business (KSIT) innovative project wasrealizedinApril 2015 tofulfiltheagreement, signedonATUbase. AllinstitutestudentstheoreticaltrainingiscarriedoutatATUbaseincloseparticipationofSwissteachersandpractitioners. Afterthesuccessfultrainingcompletion,thestudentsobtaintwodiplomas: adiplomaofKazakh-SwissInstituteofTourism, CateringandHotelbusiness (KSIT) atAlmatyTechnologicalUniversityandadiplomaof Hotel and Tourism Management Institute, Switzerland (HTMI). PracticaltrainingofKazakh-SwissInstituteofTourism, CateringandHotelBusinessstudentsiscarriedoutatKazakhstanandSwissfivestarhotels.
“DoubleMajor” studentstrainingin Kazakh-Swiss Institute of Tourism, Catering and Hotel Business is carried out in English, Russian and Kazakh concerning the bachelor degree programs of the following specialities: Tourism, Catering and hotel business, taking into account the requirements of state standards of both Kazakhstan and Swiss educational systems.
Activity organization of Kazakh-Swiss Institute of Tourism, Catering and Hotel Business at the initial stage of its establishing was carried out by the following managers and coordinators: Swiss party - Managing Directors of HTMi Ian Robert James Larmour, Rohit Bhatia, David Hailstones, Director of Operations, Charles Hains, Academic Dean, Kazakhstan party - Kazakh-Swiss Institute of Tourism, Catering and Hotel Business director, Galiya Altynbekovna Utebekova, and the head of the teaching department,Nazym Dyusenbayevna Abdildayeva. Kazakh-Swiss Institute of Tourism, Catering and Hotel Business teaching staff meet the following requirements as obligatory work experience in the proper field, fluent English, ability of creative application of innovative teaching methods. The teaching staff includesDaniel de Wolff, SanzharSerikzhanovichBeisembayev, SamatOrynbasarovichTnysov, AinurSeisembekovnaUmbetova, KanshaTurlygazievnaTastankulova, Fatima ZakirovnaSeitova, SauleterbolatovnaSybanbayeva.
President and Rector. The Almaty Technological University (ATU)
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